This paper explores the beginning of the literariness and its background , connotation and value through the concentration of the literariness in the classical texts of confucianism , taoism and mohism 本文力图从先秦儒道墨三家经典文本中对文学性的或正或反两方面的关注入手来发掘这种文学性的初始肇端及其背景、内涵和价值意义。
Tung wah s mission in education the mission of the tung wah group of hospitals in education is to provide comprehensive and multifarious services to children and young people to enable them to exert their full potentialities and , eventually , to serve the community 东华三院始创于一八七零年,为本港历史最悠久的慈善机构,而兴学服务之提倡则肇端于一八八零年,至目前为止,该院在发展教育事业方面已有百多年历史。
Finally , the author analyzes a few arguments of the theory of juristic act of real right most favored and points out the faults of them and holds that mancipatio and cessio injure in roman law or gewere in germanic law can be regarded as the embryo at most of the theory of juristic act of real right because there exists a great or even substantive distance between the above forms and the juristic act of real right as a product of modem law , the juristic act of real right acquires no complete form in ancient law systems 最后,基于前述的探讨,笔者分析了目前学界流行的关于物权行为起源的几个论断,明确指出了其疏漏所在,认为罗马法上曼兮帕蓄、拟诉弃权和日耳曼法上物权移转的方式最多只能称为物权行为的肇端或雏形,离我们现在理解的“物权行为”尚有较大的甚或实质性的距离,物权行为是近代法的产物,在古代法律制度中没有完整的形态。