Ralph's lips formed a word but no sound came . 拉尔夫嘴唇在翕动,但没有声音出来。
At any rate, miss baker's lip fluttered . 不管怎样,贝克小姐的双唇总算翕动了几下。
She stood on the stoop, shrunken, gesticulating with thin arms, her loose mouth working angrily . 她站在门廓里,缩着身子,用瘦瘠的双臂打着手势,松开的嘴愤怒地翕动着。
His lips lipped and mouthed fleshless lips of air : mouth to her womb . oomb , allwombing tomb 他那翕动的嘴唇吮吻着没有血肉的空气嘴唇:嘴对着她的子宫口。
He could not walk easily on tiptoe , and jerked his whole person up and down in an ungainly fashion 他不善于踮着脚尖走路,整个身子呆笨地一耸一耸地翕动。
The warlock ' s lips moved silently for a moment , then he found his voice and began again . " you fight with the fury of gith herself , " he whispered 魔巫的嘴唇无声翕动了一会,然后他再次开口说道: “你在与吉斯本人的愤怒战斗。 ”他悄声说。
No one could give her such sensible and soothing consolation as that little three months old creature , when it lay at her breast , and she felt the movement of its lips and the snuffling of its nose 她抱起出生刚满三个月的小东西感到他的小嘴在翕动,小鼻子在呼哧,她从他身上获得的东西超过了任何人的启示和安慰。
Silver hobbled , grunting , on his crutch ; his nostrils stood out and quivered ; he cursed like a madman when the flies settled on his hot and shiny countenance ; he plucked furiously at the line that held me to him , and , from time to time , turned his eyes upon me with a deadly look 西尔弗嘟哝着一瘸一拐朝前走,鼻孔张得大大的,不住地翕动着。当苍蝇叮在他那红通通的满是汗水的脸上时,他像个疯子似地破口大骂。他凶狠地拽过把我拴在他后面的那根绳子,不时恶狠狠地瞪着我。