| 1. | United states environmental protection agency usepa 美国环境保护署 |
| 2. | The united states environmental protection agency says producing stronger plants by grafting can reduce the needs to use pesticides 美国环境保护署说通过嫁接种植强壮的植物能够减少杀虫剂的使用。 |
| 3. | The united states environmental protection agency says producing stronger plants by grafting can reduce the need to use pesticides 美国环境保护署表示,借助嫁接而生产出更为强壮的植物减少了人们对农药使用的需求。 |
| 4. | The certificates have been bought from the us environmental protection agency , and will fund solar , small hydro - electric and biomass power supplies 这些证书已经在美国环境保护署购买,并将用于资助太阳能、小型水电和生物能源的供应。 |
| 5. | Us environmental protection agency is developing guidelines for coal - fired power plants to bury heat - trapping co2 to decelerate global warming effects 美国环境保护署为燃煤火力发电厂研拟指导方针,遮蔽吸收热量的二氧化碳,以降低全球暖化的影响。 |
| 6. | Wilmington , del . , jan . 25 , 2006 - dupont today pledged its commitment to the 2010 / 15 pfoa stewardship program announced by the u . s . environmental protection agency ( epa ) ( 2006年1月25日美国特拉华州威明顿市讯)今天,杜邦公司宣布,公司将积极参与由美国环境保护署发起的2010 2015年全氟辛酸及其盐类( pfoa )环境计划。 |
| 7. | Last year , epa and sepa signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on an integrated set of clean fuels and vehicles projects . epa committed to providing technical expertise and more than $ 200 , 000 toward diesel retrofit demonstrations 美国环境保护署与中国国家环境保护局合作,对30辆公交车辆进行清洁柴油技术改装,通过减少微粒排放和采用清洁燃料,帮助减少空气污染。 |
| 8. | Acrylamide is listed as a probable human carcinogen by two agencies , the international agency for research on cancer ( iarc ) and the us environmental protection agency ( epa ) based upon sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals but insufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans 国际癌症研究署( iarc )及美国环境保护署( epa )只基于动物测试研究结果而将丙烯酰胺列为怀疑的致癌物,但没有足够证明丙烯酰胺对人类致癌。 |
| 9. | Fine particulate matter and other emissions from older diesel - powered trucks and buses contribute to air pollution in beijing and throughout china and pose serious public health concerns . environmental impacts of diesel exhaust emissions include its contribution to ozone formation and acid rain 美国环境保护署的新闻简报说,从年代较久的柴油机动车中排放出的微粒物质和废气是造成中国空气污染和由此产生的种种健康问题的部分原因。 |