| 1. | Several children fainted because of the heat . 好几个孩子中署昏倒了。 |
| 2. | I did write her-only i didn't sign my name . 我给她写过信,不过没有署我自己的名字。 |
| 3. | He and his family are spending the summer among the mountains . 他和家人在山间避署。 |
| 4. | Usia could only repeat, not invent, policy . 美国新闻署对政策只能照本宣科,而不能独出心裁。 |
| 5. | The book is by tynan . 这本书署泰纳思的名字。 |
| 6. | We are going to deploy it . 我们就要布署它 |
| 7. | We are the only persons whose names and addresses are subscribed . 我们是仅有的几个署明姓名和地址的。 |
| 8. | The establishment of aid inaugurated a long period of turmoil and frustration . 国际开发署的成立,开始了一个充满混乱和挫折的长期过程。 |
| 9. | Every family would fill out an income tax form and send it to the internal revenue service . 每个家庭都要填写一份所得税单,呈交国内税务署。 |
| 10. | They would like to disrupt us, damage morale and hurt us with the americans . 他们想扰乱我们的布署,挫伤我们的士气,损害我们与美国人的关系。 |