[ zuìgāiwànsǐ ] be guilty of a crime for which one deserves to die ten thousand deaths; a thousand deaths will not atone for one's crime.; be guilty of a crime for which even death cannot atone; be very guilty and deserve death; (his) crimes are so heinous, (he) deserves ten thousand deaths.; death is not sufficient for such a crime.; hideous crime deserving the harshest punishment; one committed crimes deserving death ten thousand times.; the crime deserves a myriad deaths
Example Sentences:
According to chinese customs , forget the ancestors is extreme serious crime , die a million death , die not easy death 根据中华民族传统,忘记祖先是通天大罪,罪该万死,不得好死。
It is not my fault that the minister is vacillating , cowardly , unreasonable , dilatory , and has every vice 该大臣优柔寡断,胆怯,糊涂迟钝,具有一切坏的品质,全军都在痛哭,诅咒他罪该万死”
They found him guilty , and brother , if maine had the death - penalty , he would have done the airdance before that spring ' s crocuses poked their heads out of the snow 他们认为他罪该万死,如果缅因州有死刑的话,不等春天到来番红花破土而出,安迪早就一命呜呼了。
Just as in the case of people who say that " hitler should die a million deaths for his sins , " in reality there are many accomplices and historical factors which must be taken into account 我比较倾向不要用个人的角度来看,就像有些人会说希特勒罪该万死,但是其实旁边有很多帮凶与背后的历史因素。