| 1. | Penalty interest paid to bank for early redemption 提早赎回住宅而向银行缴付的罚息 |
| 2. | No early repayment penalty up to one year to pay back the loan 提早还款,完全毋须罚息,灵活还款尽在掌握 |
| 3. | Is the penalty interest paid to bank for early redemption of the dwelling deductible 为了提早赎回住宅而向银行缴付的罚息是否可在计算税项时获得扣除? |
| 4. | For overdue loan and loan used for personal purpose , penalty rate or double rate should be imposed subject to the severity 同时出现逾期和挪用情形的贷款,应择其重计收罚息和复利。 |
| 5. | Originally assure the letter and guarantee that the range content includes the principal 、 interest 、 default interest 、 penalty and other expense 此次担保的借款专案名称是。本担保函担保范围内容包括本金、利息、罚息、违约金及其他费用。 |
| 6. | During the outbreak of an epidemic situation , the loss - stricken enterprise that has its working capital loans mature and defaulted shall be exempted from loan penalty interest 在疫情发生期间,对已到期并发生流动资金贷款拖欠的受损企业,免收贷款罚息。 |
| 7. | If the borrower defaults in payment of any of the monthly instalments , a penalty interest accruing on a daily basis at a rate stipulated by the people ' s bank of china will be imposed on the deferred payment 如借款人于每月还款到期日未能清付应缴款项,贷款人将按照中国人民银行规定的罚息利率按逾期天数逐日向借款人计徵逾期罚息。 |
| 8. | " for example , we have recently advised institutions to resist suggestions that they should reduce or waive the charges for early repayment of mortgage loans since that could give encouragement to speculation . 举例来说,市场最近建议银行机构可减低或豁免就提前赎回按揭徵收罚息,但我们劝喻认可机构不应跟随此种做法。因为此举会助长炒风。 |
| 9. | In addition , it is the effective measure for promoting the development of consumption credit of china to transfer and dispel the risk of consumer credit by insurance and security , to construct collateral institution supported by the government , to exert market - oriented interest rate reform of consumer loans step by step , to claim the additional penalty interest rate for ahead - payment and to apply the scientific technology for managing the risk of the consumer credit 还可以通过保险和证券化来转移和分散消费信贷风险,通过建立政府支持的住房贷款担保机构,放开消费信贷利率,对提前偿还加收罚息等等方式来控制或分散消费信贷风险,并用科学的方法管理消费信贷风险。这些方法都是中国促进消费信贷发展的有力措施。 j . p . morgan和合作机构开发的“信用度量术” ? ? var方法可以在消费信贷贷前、贷中和贷后的管理决策中得到应用。 |
| 10. | After party b has discharged its surety liability according to this contract , it shall be entitled to request party a to pay back all the money that party b has paid in substitute for party a plus the expenses incurred in realizing its right of subrogation and in addition party a shall pay to party b the interests thereof equivalent to that of bank loan of the same period and the penalty interests as well as a lump sum default fine as much as % of the substitute money 乙方按照本合同的约定承担了保证责任后,即有权要求甲方立即归还乙方代偿的全部款项及乙方实现债权的费用,甲方另外应支付乙方代偿之日起企业银行同期贷款利息、罚息,并按上述代偿款项的%一次性支付违约金。 |