A lack of rain throughout the south means many states are now facing a punishing drought 南方普遍缺雨意味着许多州都面临旱灾。
Experts say the lack of rain is threatening the water supply in the region and water use has been restricted for many communities 专家们说缺雨威胁到该区供水,许多社区的用水量已受到限制。
As the climate has become dry , and dust storms and dust - fall occurred frequently in whole weihe valley , the recent loess ( l0 ) has beg un to accumulate and gradually covered the mid - holocene soil ( s0 ) 在3100abp ,由于季风格局的突变,整个渭河流域进入了一个相对干旱缺雨、成壤环境的恶化时期。