| 1. | This paper points out that a dynamic diversified energy structure system should be set up in china 缺电现象反映出中国能源产业结构存在的诸多问题如中国目前能源产业结构失衡等。 |
| 2. | With the load sharply increasing in recent years , the beijing electric network often runs over - load and the lack of power in summer and winter sometimes appears 近几年,北京电网的负荷增长非常快,高峰期电网经常满负荷或超负荷运行,夏季和冬季缺电和供电不足的现象也时有发生。 |
| 3. | Postmortem studies by the industry suggest that such a global view would have prevented about 95 percent of customers from losing power during the 1996 blackouts in the western u . s . , he says 1996年的美西大停电后,业界的调查分析显示,这种全域式的监视原本可以让95 %的消费者免于缺电之苦。 |
| 4. | Endure strong pressure ; lock itself ; damp proof ; hand controllable ; power off when suffer from resistance force ; warn when out force oppressing ; restore itself after out force disappearing ; steal against 耐碾压、自锁、防雨淋、手动、遇阻断电、缺电指示、遇外力报警、外力消除后复位、防盗。 |
| 5. | In 1992 , the electricity net was seriously short of electricity and it was very frequent to pull and limit strobe , which restrict badly the development of agriculture and industry and affected people ' s normal life 1992年,重庆电网缺电情况十分严重,拉闸限电非常频繁,严重制约了工农业发展及对人民正常生活造成严重影响。 |
| 6. | With this power plant in operation , power shortage in southwest henan is greatly alleviated and power sources distribution therein greatly improved with a result of much improved safety and reliability of power system operation 它的建成,极大缓解了豫西南地区缺电的局面,改善了河南电源点的布局,较大的提高了系统供电的安全可靠性。 |
| 7. | The state ’ s total installed electric capacity reaches 385 gw , electricity generation is 1908 billion kwh and electricity consumption grows to 1891 billion kwh in 2003 . however , it faces a severe situation that electric power is in short supply as a whole 2003年全国的发电装机容量达到3 . 85亿千瓦,全国发电量达到19080亿千瓦时,用电量达到18910亿千瓦时,电力供需形势总体紧张,缺电较为严峻。 |
| 8. | On discussion on the power development in 2005 , the power demand in the area during the 11th five - year is forecast , and it is predicted that during the 11th five - year the power demand and supply in the area will change fundamentally , i . e . from serious power shortage to general balance or even power abundance 分析了2005年电力发展形势,在此基础上进行了“十一五”华东地区电力需求预测,并预计“十一五”期间华东电力供需形势都将发生根本性的变化,即从严重缺电转向基本平衡甚至电力富裕。 |
| 9. | Combining the character of heiyingshan ' s lean iron ore and the experiences of hematite dressing home and abroad and locale character that located in the center of gobi desert and lacking electricity and fresh water , we have finished three ways of trial studying which are the magnetic ore dressing , lump dry - magnetic dressing and magnetic - gravity ore dressing 根据黑鹰山矿贫铁矿石性质和国内外红铁矿选矿实践,结合黑鹰山矿现场地处戈壁沙漠、缺电少水特点,选择全磁选方案、块矿干选-磁选方案及磁选-重选方案进行选矿试验研究,针对选矿试验情况对中磁?强磁(一粗一精)选矿流程进行了扩大试验。 |
| 10. | On the other hand , because development of regional economic is n ' t balance , different users have different demands on power and different reliability . it is n ' t true that all users use one - class reliability . this paper points out priority pricing model based on different users 另外,我国地区经济发展不平衡,并且电力资源短缺,资金匮乏,不同的用户对电力的需求不同,缺电损失也不同,不应对所有用户实行一个平均的、较高等级的可靠性,因此制定电价应考虑用户对供电可靠性的要求,根据不同的可靠性等级,制定不同的分级电价。 |