Rhk would provide sub - contractors with all kinds of drawings and layout plans , free of charge , that were necessary for completion of their jobs , while employees of the company were prohibited to solicit or accept advantages in relation to the company s business Rhk免费为承办商提供各种缯图及设计图则,以助他们完成工程。 rhk不准其雇员就有关公司的工作索取或收受利益。
The main objective of the firm is to provide comprehensive professional services , with the designer directly and actively participating in all aspect of the projects , from conceptual design through to implementation and completion 为客户提供全面式专业设计及工程服务是我们的首要目标,由设计意念,选料,缯图,工地监工,管理直至完工均由知深设计设全权负责及亲自参与,确保装修工程能为持设计师的理念及准时完工。