| 1. | Green - screen 5250 and 3270 applications are session oriented 绿屏5250和3270都是面向会话的应用程序。 |
| 2. | Can any of us even remember what life was like with " green screen " data terminals 我们之中是否有人还记得"绿屏"数据终端刚引入时的情景? |
| 3. | To create a web service interface for a green - screen application , at least one macro is required 为绿屏应用程序创建web服务连接,有一个宏是必备的。 |
| 4. | Transforming the user experience requires enhancing existing green - screen applications with easy to use web and portal - based interfaces 转换用户的体验要求增强现有的绿屏应用程序,使用户能够使用基于web和门户的接口。 |
| 5. | When creating a hats application that provides a web services interface for a green - screen application , hats programmatic functions are used 当创建hats应用程序为绿屏应用程序提供web服务接口时,可以使用hats可编程功能。 |
| 6. | The following is an overview of how to use the hats toolkit to create a web service that will access data from a host green - screen application 接下来将阐述如何使用hats toolkit创建web服务,用来访问主机绿屏应用程序的数据。 |
| 7. | As mentioned earlier , hats applications provide non - invasive web presentation and programmatic interfaces to green - screen applications 在之前已提及, hats应用程序可以提供web显示和绿屏应用程序的可编程接口,而无需对应用程序代码作更改。 |
| 8. | Hats applications provide web browser presentation and programmatic interfaces to host green - screen applications non - invasively no required changes to the application Hats应用程序为主机绿屏应用程序提供web浏览器展示和编程接口(无需对应用程序做更改) 。 |
| 9. | The term legacy applications is used in this article to refer to existing host - based applications , including what are known as green - screen applications 本文中出现的术语遗留应用程序,是指现有的基于主机的应用程序,包括所谓的绿屏( green - screen )应用程序。 |
| 10. | The remainder of this article describes how hats can easily and non - invasively be used to develop a web service interface to a host green - screen application 本文以下的部分将描述如何不用对应用程序进行修改而轻松地使用hats开发对主机绿屏应用程序访问的web服务接口。 |