| 1. | He also favored his viennese diet cook . 他的维也纳厨娘也受他的恩宠。 |
| 2. | Next day the red army secured vienna . 第二天,红军占领了维也纳。 |
| 3. | Vienna had already fallen on april 13 . 维也纳早已在4月13日陷落。 |
| 4. | The question is whether to go to munich or vienna . 问题是去慕尼黑还是去维也纳。 |
| 5. | We had a week in rome and then went to vienna . 我们在罗马呆了一个星期,然后去的维也纳。 |
| 6. | What flights are there from london to vienna for tomorrow ? 明天有哪些航班从伦敦飞往维也纳? |
| 7. | In vienna, london, and paris he was a sensation . 在维也纳,伦敦、巴黎,他是轰动一时的人物。 |
| 8. | People connect vienna with waltzes and coffee-houses . 人们把维也纳和华尔兹圆舞曲和咖啡馆联系在一起。 |
| 9. | The geneva meeting recessed while kennedy and khrushchev met in vienna . 肯尼迪同赫鲁晓夫在维也纳会晤时,日内瓦会议已经休会。 |
| 10. | George peurbach of vienna started to correct the latin translations of the "almagest" . 维也纳的乔治柏巴赫开始校订《大汇编》的拉丁文译本。 |