I killed his only son . the bloodline is cut 我杀了他唯一的儿子.他已经绝后了
A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son 某姓单传绝后,该姓就从此消亡了。
" no , no , be easy on that score ; the family is extinct “没有了,没有了这方面你放心好了,那个家族已经绝后了。
Had stolen away this child , in order that your name might become extinct . “一点不错,他拐走了这个孩子,想让府上这一家族绝后。 ”
It was the most excellent works after the civil war as well as it had the obvious advantage of any other works 它是关于内战的小说中空前绝后的一部优秀作品,让其他作品望尘莫及。
Alcohol consumption also prevents the absorption of vitamins b1 , b2 , b6 , and b12 , folic acid , vitamins c and k , zinc , magnesium , and calcium . since this inhibition is detrimental to health , it is advisable to quit alcohol 如果经常应酬喝酒,则酒精会夺走体内的维他命b1 b2 b6 b12叶酸维他命c维他命k锌镁钙等成分,影响身体健康,最好戒除,以绝后患。
Thus , there had come to the reverend mr . dimmesdale - as to most men , in their various spheres , though seldom recognised until they see it far behind them - an epoch of life more brilliant and full of triumph 于是,丁梅斯代尔牧师先生来到了他一生中空前绝后的最辉煌也是最充满胜利的时期,许多人在他们不同的领域里也曾有过这样的时期只是经过好久以后他们往往才意识到。
If not really so , among fight and resist against japan sports unique great victory guerrilla warfare by the northeast at three peaks , it waver nearly three month , namely will it be september 25 1937 destroy the flat typeses of people imprison the historical statuseses of great victory 1 , 000 more than enemy ,如果真是这样,间三峰战斗将是东北抗日游击运动中空前绝后的大捷,它甚至可能动摇近三个月后,即1937年9月25日,歼敌一千多人的平型关大捷的历史地位