| 1. | The draftsman draws well . 这个绘图员描图的技术好。 |
| 2. | The technique of the drawing depends on the ability of the observer . 绘图技术取决于观测者的能力。 |
| 3. | The cutter can be mounted like a pennib in a simple holder . 刻刀可象绘图笔一样,固定在简易的刀架上。 |
| 4. | It is possible to print a compilation as a blue key on a white drawing surface . 在白色绘图纸上将编稿晒成蓝图。 |
| 5. | Probably picture language and oral language developed side by side . 绘图文字和口头语言很可能是并驾齐驱发展起来的。 |
| 6. | The slope of a line is independent of the scales chosen to prepare the graph . 直线的斜率与绘图所选用的比例尺寸无关。 |
| 7. | For economy in drawing it is best to avoid pecked lines and diced filling . 为节省绘图时间,最好不用点虚线和虚点方格线。 |
| 8. | A trainee can become competent in scribing more quickly than in pen and ink work . 初学者掌握刻图技术,要她用绘图笔蘸墨图更为迅速。 |
| 9. | Draughtsmen make drawing on a drawing board, using a pencil and a t-square, set square and scale . 绘图员用铅笔、丁字尺、三角板和比例尺在绘图板上绘图。 |
| 10. | Fully qualified civil engineers of forty were happy to work as draughtsmen for a low wage . 完全具有开业资格的四十岁左右的工程师如能从事绘图员工作谋得低微的工资,就已喜出望外了。 |