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English translation for "结识"

get acquainted with sb.; get to know sb.: 结识了许多朋友 have made a lot of friends; 许多人竭力想结识他。 many people sought his acquaintance. 我们是在火车长途旅行中偶然结识的朋友。 we are the casual acquaintance of a long railway journey

Related Translations:
结识异性:  getting to know the opposite sex
结识他人:  lesson getting acquainted
结识某人:  make the acquaintance of sb
初次结识的:  get-acquainted
如何结识陌生人:  the notion
无缘结识某人:  have no opportunity to get acquainted with sb
有缘结识某人:  be lucky to get acquainted with sb
结识新同事:  getting to know new colleagues
挖空心思与某人结识:  get to know sb not very well andwith difficulty
结识你的邻居:  meet your neighbours
Example Sentences:
1.You will also make some desirable acquaintances .
2.Many people sought his acquaintance .
3.He picked up the girl at a college disco .
4.She is not at all a proper person for you to know .
5.It certainly helps to know a man who knows a man .
6.He made a new friend .
7.I first became acquainted with him on board a whale vessel .
8.John struck up a friendship with a very pretty girl at my party last week .
9.A dog and a cock having struck up an acquaintance, went out on their travels together .
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