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English translation for "结成夫妇"


Related Translations:
结成:  form; enter into 短语和例子结成深厚的友谊 form [forge] a profound friendship; 结成同盟 form an alliance; become allies; 结成一伙 gang up; band together; 结成最广泛的统一战线 form the broadest possible united front
结成一伙:  gang upband together
结成伉俪:  become married couple of a pair
结成球:  balling
结成联盟:  make an alliance
结成一体:  consolidate
结成同盟:  federate
熔结成型:  fusion moldingfusion moulding
结成凝胶:  gelation
熔结成块:  caking
Example Sentences:
1.I suppose mr lin will pair off with miss wang in the end
2.The 7th daughter of the celestial emporor is tired of the boring life in the heaven and escapes to the earth . there she falls in love with a man named . .
3.There she falls in love with a man named dong wing and lead a happy life together . but the celestial emporor is very angry and determines to punish them . .
4.Of mr . rochester s character i know nothing , but the one fact that he professed to offer honourable marriage to this young girl , and that at the very altar she discovered he had a wife yet alive , though a lunatic
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