Win - win solution to environmental protection and economical output for enterprises 企业如何实现环境业绩与经济业绩的双赢
The core question of service multinational corporation ’ s foreign direct investment to a country economical achievement influence lies in whether take sacrifices the domestic investment as the price 服务业跨国公司对外直接投资对一国经济业绩影响的核心问题在于对外投资是否以牺牲国内投资为代价。
A lack of business innovation has long been recognised as one of the structural weaknesses behind the lacklustre economic performance of one of the world ' s most expensive countries 日本的消费水平在世界上名列前茅,但长久以来,日本缺少创业精神被视为一大结构性缺陷。这是日本经济业绩乏善可陈一大原因。