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English translation for "线性刻度"

linear scale

Related Translations:
刻度变换:  gauge transformation
标准刻度:  standard scale
等分刻度:  evenly divided scale
内部刻度:  internal calibration
仰角刻度:  elevation scale
压缩刻度:  suppressed scale
刻度底板:  graduated base
圆刻度:  circular scale
工厂刻度:  factory calibration
刻度烧杯:  meter glass
Example Sentences:
1.It is necessary to record the linear scale before and after log and the time difference curve in the acoustic variable density log
2.Determination of the detection limit and decision threshold for ionizing radiation measurements - fundamentals and application to measurements by use of linear - scale analogue ratemeters , without the influence of sample treatment
3.The linear scale before and after log is an effective way to inspect the reality and accuracy of the log curves , such as downhole signal ' s amplitude limit or not and serious distortion , the variable density logging tool ' s signal linear amplification and working stability
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