稳: 形容词1.(稳定; 稳当) steady; stable; firm 短语和例子安稳 safe; 立场很稳 have a firm stand; 步子不稳 not steady on one's legs; 价格稳中有降。 prices at the fairs are stable with a slight decline.2.(稳重) steady; staid; s
倾: Ⅰ动词1.(歪; 斜) incline; lean; bend 短语和例子身子向前倾 bend [lean] forward; 向左倾 incline to the left; 那座破棚屋的墙向外倾。 the walls of the dilapidated shed lean outward.2.(倒塌) collapse 短语和例子大厦将倾 a great mansio
纵倾: amount of trimchange of trimdraft differencelongitudinal inclinationlongitudinal trimtrimming