Building international exchange platform - an across eurasia visit 中国防水代表团访欧纪行
Huangshatuo : a town benefiting the people 鞍山市台安县黄沙坨镇纪行
I read in that voyages in china that the chinese say a while man smells like a corpse 我在那本中国纪行里读到:中国人说白种人身上有一股尸体的气味。
Voyages in china by viator recovered with brown paper , red ink title . philosophy of the talmud sewn pamphlet 中国纪行222 , “旅人”著用褐色纸包了书皮,书名是用红墨水写的。
Abstract : documents recording the size of zheng he ' s treasure ships include altogether seven books , such as ming history , and wonders overseas written by ma huan , the translator in the fleet 提要:记录郑和宝船尺度的文献,包括《明史》 、随行翻译马欢的纪行著作《瀛涯胜览》 ,共有七种之多。