| 1. | General disciplined services commander pay scale 一般纪律人员指挥官级工资等级 |
| 2. | General disciplined services rank and file pay scale 一般纪律人员员佐级工资等级 |
| 3. | Disciplined services salaries and conditions 纪律人员薪俸及服务条件常务委员会 |
| 4. | General disciplined services commander pay scale 一般纪律人员薪级表指挥官级 |
| 5. | Civil service staff associations unions disciplined services 公务员职工会纪律人员 |
| 6. | General disciplined services officer pay scale 一般纪律人员主任级工资等级 |
| 7. | Working group on home ownership for the disciplined services 纪律人员自置居所工作小组 |
| 8. | General disciplined services sub - committee 一般纪律人员小组委员会 |
| 9. | Pay scale for the general disiplined services 一般纪律人员薪级表 |
| 10. | Disiplined services pay scale rank file 纪律人员薪级表员佐级 |