| 1. | Djokovic takes his racquet back by employing a full shoulder turn 德约科维奇用一个充分的转肩收回球拍。 |
| 2. | The great thing about novak djokovic ' s game is how complete it is 德约科维奇的比赛很伟大是因为它很完整。 |
| 3. | Djokovic makes contact in front of his body and at waist level 将要击球时,德约科维奇的拍子在他身体的前面,与腰部水平。 |
| 4. | At this point , djokovic plants his left foot and loads all his weight on it 这时,德约科维奇将他的重心转移到他的左脚上。 |
| 5. | Djokovic can hit the ball crosscourt or open up the court with a shot down the line 德约科维奇能将球打的很深或者很开压着线。 |
| 6. | " this is one of the biggest wins of my career , " djokovic told reporters 赛后德约科维奇坦言: “这是我职业生涯中最重要的几场胜利之一。 ” |
| 7. | Djokovic is also pushing off the toes of his back foot and starting to open up his hips 德约科维奇的后脚也开始发力,并且他的髋部向前顶。 |
| 8. | He ' s behind the baseline , but djokovic is giving himself ample opportunity to step into the shot 他站在底线的后面,但是德约科维奇有充裕的时间向前跨步击球。 |
| 9. | Djokovic is looking over his dominant shoulder to track the ball and has excellent balance and posture 德约科维奇正在检查高耸的肩膀对准球并且他的平衡和姿势很好。 |
| 10. | It appears as though djokovic is making a loop , but the position of his frame is result of his full upper - body rotation 看起来,德约科维奇好象转了一个圈,但是他的姿势是上半身充分旋转的结果。 |