[ yuēfǎsānzhāng ] draw up three chapters of law; agree on a three-point law -- make a few simple rules to be observed by all concerned; simple agreement with the people by a new government; three-point covenant
But let ' s set a couple of ground rules first , okay 不过先让我们来约法三章,好吗?
Mom and i have made an agreement 我和妈妈约法三章。
I start by making a deal with myself that after every 150 words i am allowed one game 我和自己约法三章:每写150字我就去打一轮游戏。
Several friends with the same interests can make a rule that except certain special occasions , all need to speak english 几位有相同志趣的朋友约法三章,规定除某些特殊场合之外,一律得讲英语。
As some of the streetwise had receiving the kindness from suay , nobody walked forward or even left . by the way , cheuk and suay repelled all streetwise 美丽既是生意人,自此与海约法三章,不得于美丽酒吧范围内做生意,但仍会做海的生意。
However , his two older children are convinced that problems can only be solved through the strength of arms , while his emotional wife just wants to abandon it all 穆罕默德死守家园不肯离开,因为家的墙壁捍卫的是他的自尊与原则,以兵无奈和他约法三章。但家人没法明白这个代价沉重的坚持,儿女各以不同方式反抗著。