If the classics were transformed into love letters , what tradition would they impart 如果四书五经变成恋人絮语,将是什麽样的经典?
Like a wind passing over the leaves , the excited whisper fluttered over the plain : they are coming 一阵激动不安的絮语有如风扫落叶似地传来了: “他们来了!
It is possible , still , to breathe an air untainted and to hear the whispered passage of time 你可能仍然可以吸一口未经污染的空气,并聆听时光流逝所发出的嘶嘶絮语。
The soft murmuring voice kept up its rhythmic whisper , something was oppressing him , and rising up , and the strange face stood before him 那悄悄的絮语在继续发出有节奏的喃喃声,某种东西在挤压,在延伸,而且一张奇怪的脸停在他面前。
I only went out for a walk , and finally concluded to stay out till sundown , for going out , i found , was really going in 当兵与学生时代,好像根本没有手机,和现在的夫人絮语绵绵,虽然市内1元可讲3分钟,而电话亭深夜蚊虫不断, 100元的电话卡还是用了一大堆
Listening to incessant speeches quietly , touch the years gently , perhaps what you create and pursue is just to satisfy your mental demands 静听人生絮语,轻抚岁月之痕,感受属于自己的完美空间,理想由现实而升腾,我们所营造所追求的都只是满足不一样的心灵需要。
She mimics the prejudices we would never admit to , and captures , [ hidden behind common sense ] , a poisonous mumble of no origin or address : the voice of the masses 她摹仿我们从来不想承认的偏见, [隐身于常识背后] ,捕获了一种不知来头或没有出处的絮语? ? ?大众的声音。
In the darkness they flowed on like an unseen , gloomy river always in the same direction , with a buzz of whisper and talk and the thud of hoofs and rumble of wheels 在黑暗中,有一条看不见的黑? ?的大河,仿佛朝着一个方向平缓地流动。絮语声和说话声马蹄声和车轮声互相交织成一片。
The dying man lay as lifeless and immovable as before . every one was moving about him , there was the sound of footsteps and of whispers , anna mihalovnas whisper rising above the rest 大家在他周围动弹起来了,传来步履声和絮语声,在这些语声之中,安娜米哈伊洛夫娜的声音听来最刺耳了。
The beauty of his elocution was supposed to lie in the loud , resonant voice , varying between a despairing howl and a tender whine , in which he rolled off the words quite independently of the sense , so that a howl fell on one word and a whine on others quite at random 据说,他的朗诵的要诀在于响亮而且动听,用那绝望的哀鸣和温柔的絮语交替地咬字吐音,完全不顾字句的含义,朗诵者时而在一个字句上发出哀鸣,时而在另一个字句上发出怨声。