the purple air comes from the east -- a propitious omen
Example Sentences:
Lai chi wo is the largest hakka village in the north - east new territories and is on the opposite side of kat o island . in its auspicious period , there were more than one hundred households in lai chi wo . houses are built with green bricks and clay tiles in an orderly arrangement that is enclosed by a curved - shape village wall 荔枝窝村是新界东北最具规模的客家村落,与吉澳岛遥遥相对,该村已有三百多年历史,在六十年代全盛时期有超过一百户人家居住,屋子整齐排列,大部分以青砖及瓦顶形式建造,村前有一道弧形围墙,作为出口的东门上刻有紫气东来字样,而西门则刻有西接祥光四字。