| 1. | Fairbrother's countenance fell. but with that ready presence of mind, which is as useful in civil as in military emergences, he immediately rallied . 费尔布拉泽的脸色都变了。可是他灵机一动这无论在平时或军情紧急时都很有效立即振作起精神来。 |
| 2. | Back - up power supply to tenants computer systems 后备发电机于紧急时支援租户电脑系统 |
| 3. | Back - up power supply for tenants computer systems 后备发电机于紧急时支援租户电脑系统 |
| 4. | 39 . sign used by police in an emergency 39 .慢驶警方在紧急时使用的标志 |
| 5. | In an emergency we can always fall back on our savings 在紧急时,我们总是能仰赖我们的存款。 |
| 6. | He always keeps calm in an emergency 他总是在紧急时保持镇静的。 |
| 7. | To open door in emergency , push button 紧急时要开门,按此钮。 |
| 8. | In case of emergency push the lower button to stop the train 按下按钮后列车即停车。除紧急时以外请勿使用。 |
| 9. | Ring the bell in an emergency 情况紧急时请按铃。 |
| 10. | But you get out of the plane a lot goddamn quicker , believe me 那样做的话,在紧急时你会更快地离开飞机,相信我 |