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English translation for "糖吃"

trick or treat

Related Translations:
吃糖:  have a candy
学会吃:  devour
吃喜酒:  go to wedding feast
吃个嘴:  chi ge zui
吃出健康:  eat better to kefit
在地吃:  locavore
吃昆虫的:  insect-eating
吃太多:  eat too muchovereat
吃得上:  1.(吃得起) can afford to eat2.(赶上吃饭) be in time for a meal; be able to get meal 短语和例子十二点半以前赶回去还吃得上饭。 if we get back before twelve thirty, we won't be too late for lunch
鲶鱼两吃:  steamed fish seasonal
Example Sentences:
1.The toffee was smooth and delicious .
2.The toffee was smooth and delicious .
3.His baby sister bothered him for candy .
4.Your kids are in the grocery store with my kids, buying candy .
5.He tried to steal sugar under his aunt's very nose, and got his knuckles rapped for it .
6.If sixpences are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months inside money-boxes .
7.You eat too much candy . it ' s bad for your teeth
8.Then could i at least offer you a candy
9.He said : " aunt , you don t whack sid when he takes it .
他说: “姨妈,希德拿糖吃,您怎么不打他呀。 ”
10.Oh , harry , do feel free to indulge in a little licorice snap in my absence
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