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English translation for "精灵语"

elvish languages

Related Translations:
精灵:  1.(鬼怪) spirit; demon2.[方言] (机灵) clever; smart; intelligent 短语和例子我要找一个精灵的男孩照看我的店铺。 i want a smart boy to look after my shop
精灵女性:  elvish lady
灰精灵:  sindar
精灵狙击手:  elvish sharpshooter
精灵传奇:  fairytale: a true story
丑精灵:  goblin
圣诞精灵:  elf
森林精灵:  sylvan elfwood elf
精灵魁首:  goblin ringleader
精灵女巫:  elvish sorceress
Example Sentences:
1.Mornie alantie ( quenya : darkness has fallen ) a promise lives within you now
2.Mornie alantie ( quenya : darkness has fallen ) , a promise lives within you now
3.Enya ' s lyricist roma ryan learned elvish for the two songs she contributed to the film
4.Mornie utulie ( quenya : darkness has come ) , believe and you will find your way
5.He might have been speaking the elvish tongue , for all she understood him . his words made no sense to her . she was too numb , couldn ' t fed ( feel ? ) them
她只听懂一件事- -他刚才一定是在说精灵语。他的话语对她毫无意义。她木讷得无法去思考。
6.The final instalment of a film version of tolkien ' s lord of the rings trilogy - - which contains several scenes in elvish - - won 11 oscars at the academy awards last weekend in los angeles
7.Tolkien was an expert in ancient languages who had developed two forms of elvish : the more common sindarin ; and quenya , which related to finnish , and was largely a ceremonial language
8.Students at the school are being offered extra lessons in sindarin - - a form of elvish based on welsh sounds and invented by tolkien , a former professor in ancient languages at oxford university
9." once i realized that i could be superman or i could be the hustler or i could be daniel day lewis s character in the last of the mohicans - i was like , " man , i can become an actor and be all of those things .
兴趣:冲浪特技跳伞摄影刺青: bloom有二个刺青,一个是十五岁时刺的太阳还有手腕上的精灵语"九"支持球队:曼彻斯特联队manchester united
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