The two sperm nuclei and the tube nucleus are all derived from a single microspore nucleus by mitosis . 两个精核和管核都是从同一个小孢子核有丝分裂产生的。
Study on impact factors of common carp sperm nuclei decondensation in cell - free system 非细胞体系中红鲤精核去凝集的影响因子研究
Double fertilization the fusion of one pollen nucleus with the egg to form the zygote and of the other pollen nucleus with a polar nucleus to form the triploid endosperm nucleus 双受精:指花粉粒中的一个精子与胚珠中的卵细胞结合形成受精卵,另一个精核与极核结合形成三倍体的胚乳核。
There are two forms of nucleus in the e . carinicanda sperm : fibrous and vesicular ones the sperm ultrastructures of the p . trituberculatus and s . chekiangense consist of nucleus cup , radial arm , acrosome 2 .精子结构罗氏沼虾与脊尾白虾的精子结构相近,呈图钉状,由棘突、顶帽和精核组成。
Trituberculatus has homogeneous sperm nucleus , and s . chekiangense consists of fibrous and condensed sperm nucleus . the number of radial arms in p . trituberculatus is less than the latter ' s . the sperm of p . trituberculatus is round in shape , and that of s . chekiangense is square in shape 罗氏沼虾的精核边缘呈帽沿状向下翻卷,棘突均质,间有等距横纹,精核内有囊泡团存在,棘突较短,核分均质核和丝状核。
At the beginning , the cytoplasm is evently distributed , then it is polar - distribution and at last it only remains between the apical cap and the sperm nucleus . during the period of spermatogonium , chromatin in the nucleus is in the shape of conglomeration and the nucleus is big ( i . e . the proportion of the nucleus to cytoplasm is bigger than spermatocyte ) . at the stage of primary spermatocyte , chromatin accumulates to sc complexity . the nucleus of the mature sperm takes the shape of a plate and filmentous chromatins exist freely in uncondensed nucleus 精子发生过程中,细胞器由少到多,到最后解体;细胞质从均匀分布,到精细胞期极性分布,最后残留于成熟精子的顶帽和精核之间;细胞核在精原细胞期,染色质异固缩,胞核大,即核质比大于后续的精母细胞;在初级精母细胞中,染色质凝聚为sc复合体,到成熟精子,精核呈碟状,染色质呈丝状游离于非浓缩的核中。
2 . sperm ultrastructure the sperm is nonflagellated and composed of a main body in which including nucleus n apical cap and a little cytoplasm and a single spike extending from the convex surface of the apical cap , which consists of about twenty radial fibrillae on which exhibiting periodic cross - striations . the concave surface of the apical cap surrounds the little cytoplasm which is highly condensed and has n ' t any organella and sperm nucleus , which is uncondensed and composed of filamentous materials and many membrane - bound vesicles 外形呈图钉样,由主体部和棘突组成,主体部包括帽状体、细胞质带和精核。帽状体由约20根辐射状排列的纤丝组成,纤丝具横纹。其凸面延伸成棘突,棘突内纤丝是帽状体内纤丝的延续,亦具横纹。