| 1. | The following table shows the configuration attributes of the 下表显示此类对应的 |
| 2. | There is no corresponding 没有与此类对应的 |
| 3. | This class corresponds to the 该类对应于 |
| 4. | Methods used for marshalling and unmarshalling attributes of the element corresponding to the class 方法(用来编排和反编排与类对应的元素的属性) 。 |
| 5. | Methods used for marshalling and unmarshalling the content of an element corresponding to the class , and the 方法(用来编排和反编排与类对应的元素的内容) ,以及 |
| 6. | The following table shows a list of the base classes along with their corresponding default implementations 下表提供了一个基类列表,并附带提供了与这些基类对应的默认实现。 |
| 7. | First and foremost , the initial row found in the table states the table s name , which incidentally corresponds to a matching class 首先,也是最重要的,表格中的初始行说明表格的名称,它恰好与一个匹配的类对应( |
| 8. | Value automatically - a good thing , because it means that hibernate reads only the appropriate columns for the specified class 的hibernate过滤器上自动取值这是件好事,因为这意味着hibernate只读取与指定类对应的列。 |
| 9. | Class corresponding to the selected resource adapter and interface and then uses introspection to determine the properties of that class along with the default values 类的实例,这个类对应于选中的资源适配器和接口,然后使用内省( introspection )功能确定类的属性以及默认值。 |