Olfactory response of four species of trichogrammatid to kairomones of corcyra cephalomica stainton 四种赤眼蜂对米蛾利他素的嗅觉反应
Interspecific competition between trichogramma confusum and t . pretiosum on corcyra cephaloica factitious eggs 拟澳洲赤眼蜂和短管赤眼蜂在米蛾多卵上的种间竞争
Also we detect the existence of wolbachia in the host of ttrichogramma wasps ( coroyra cephalonica and sitotroga cerealella ) and get the evidence of horizontal transmission of wolbachia between wasps and the host 同时分析了赤眼蜂的四种寄主(米蛾coroyracephalonica ,麦蛾sitotrogacerealella和柞蚕卵和玉米螟卵)体内wolbachia的感染情况,为wolbachia的横向传播提供了有力的证据。