1.(古代的一种箫) an ancient musical pipe; flute 2.(从孔穴里发出的声音; 泛指声音) sound coming from any hollow [void]; noise; sound 短语和例子 天籁 sounds of nature; 万籁俱寂。 silence reigns supreme.; all is quiet and still
For a few instant they might concentrate on the constant thrumming that emanated from the jungle . 他们有时倒听出耳边有轻轻的夜籁,于是就会细听。那萧萧的声息都来自林间,老是一个调子。
And she lay, with her eyes just moving, following in her mind that little scuttling sound, and waiting for sleep to release her from it . 于是她躺在那里,眼睛微微动着,脑子里留心着那个轻微的籁簌声,等待睡眠来将她救走。
Therefore , to play guqin is one of the obligatory musical courses for all scholars of ancient china 它汇世间万物之声于一体,集天地人三籁于一身。
There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves ; they have their whisper of joy in my mind 这些微思,是树叶的籁籁之声呀;它们在我的心里欢悦地微语着。
Ancient chinese poets and painters were keen on " song tao zhu lai " , the whistling sounds of wind blowing through pines and bamboo groves 中国古时候的文人墨客讲究听“松涛竹籁” ,也就是风吹松林和竹林发出的声音。
From the side of the hill , which was here steep and stony a spout of gravel was dislodged , and fell rattling and bounding through the trees 从陡峭而多石的这一侧的小丘上头,扑籁籁地掉下来一堆沙砾,穿过树木纷纷落下来。
It is this sorrow of separation that gazes in silence all nights from star to star and becomes lyric among rustling leaves in rainy darkness of july 就是这离愁整夜地悄望星辰,在七月阴雨之中,萧萧的树籁变成抒情的诗歌。
Its nothing , mamma , its nothing really , its all right ; petya startled me , she said , trying to smile ; but the tears still flowed , and the sobs still choked her “妈妈,没什么,真的没什么,是怎么回事:彼佳吓唬我了。 ”她说着,极力地露出微笑,但是眼泪籁籁地流,啜泣使她透不过气来。
Books are partners of thoughts , but you should take along your books on trains , to your logdings , not when you ' re strolling on your own , which great , deep , encouraging , clear and beautiful thought can ' t find its root in the wind , among the clouds , along the up - and - downs of the hills , and within the color and fragrance of the flower and the grass 书是理想的伴侣,但你应得带书,是在火车上,在你住处的客室里,不是在你独身漫步的时候,什么伟大的深沉的鼓舞的清明的优美的思想的根源不是可以在风籁中,云彩里山势与地形的起伏里,花草的颜色与香息里寻得?