His own genial nature reflects its sunshine through his pages . 篇页间可见其温文尔雅,光彩熠熠的秉性。
His gifted pen transmutes every thing into gold, and his own genial nature reflects its sunshine through his pages . 他那支生花妙笔能点石成金,而篇页间又可见其温文尔雅,光彩熠熠的秉性。
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When i wrote the following pages , or rather the bulk of them , i lived alone , in the woods , a mile from any neighbor , in a house which i had built myself , on the shore of walden pond , in concord , massachusetts , and earned my living by the labor of my hands only 当我写后面那些篇页,或者后面那一大堆文字的时候,我是在孤独地生活着,在森林中,在马萨诸塞州的康科德城,瓦尔登湖的湖岸上,在我亲手建筑的木屋里,距离任何邻居一英里,只靠着我双手劳动,养活我自己。