| 1. | The energy diagram has a simplicity of its own and will repay careful study . 能量图有自身的简明性,值得仔细研究。 |
| 2. | The scientist's faith in simplicity may indeed cause him to reject a complicated and cumbersome theory . 科学家对理论简明性的信念可能使他抛弃一个复杂而繁琐的理论。 |
| 3. | A good blend of visual basic simplicity and c power 很好地融合了visual basic的简明性和c + +的强大功能。 |
| 4. | Being usable , concise and standard is the other three criteria for good lexicographical translation 其他三个标准为适用性、简明性和规范性。 |
| 5. | Set up operator to insert and delete operator to ensure that the path of continuity and simplicity 设置了插入算子和删除算子以保证路径的连续性和简明性。 |
| 6. | The dtd attribute declaration appears just as good maybe better in its conciseness , but if your model puts Dtd属性声明看来还算不错(可能在简明性方面更好) ,但如果您的模型在元素内容中放入 |
| 7. | The basics that you need to know about putting together a website are keep it simple , keep it relevant , and keep it accessible 这个原则就是:保持网站的简明性、相关性和可访问性三型的统一。 |
| 8. | Both languages have a similar dynamism and conciseness , so aside from spelling differences , one would expect the code to be similar 这两种语言具有相似的动态性和简明性,所以除了拼写上的差别外,其代码很类似: |
| 9. | Moreover at least to me , ruby achieves conciseness while still avoiding the " executable line noise " quality found in some perl code 而且(至少对我而言) , ruby达到了简明性,而且还避免了在某些perl代码中发现的“可执行行噪声”质量问题。 |
| 10. | The moment technique is widely used due to its appealing mathematical simplicity and versatility , such as image processing , computer vision and pattern recognition 矩技术因其具有数学上的简明性及多样性而得到了广泛应用,例如计算机视觉和模式识别等方面。 |