Nevertheless , it concludes that the laws can only be thoroughly implemented and effectively executed on a sound basis of legitimacy 徒有合法的形式并足取, “借”法而治的观念则更等而下之了。
A wife was considered inferior to both a nun , who ha d taken a vow of chastity , and a virtuous widow 一个女人成了妻子就等而下之,不仅抵不上恪守妇道的寡妇,也不如修女,修女还发过誓保持贞洁。
Because qualification penalty is mild and tolerant , it is lower than the other three in status , and there is not much theoretical research about it both in china and foreign countries 而对于资格刑,由于其温和性和宽缓性,在地位上较前三种等而下之,同时在刑法理论上对其研究也不是很多,这一点中外各国皆然。