| 1. | Her beauty beggars description . 她的美貌非笔墨所能形容。 |
| 2. | Words can hardly describe how excited we were . 我们激动的心情难以用笔墨来形容。 |
| 3. | Neither pen nor pencil can express . 非笔墨所能形容。 |
| 4. | Their dresses are strange beyond all description . 他们的服饰真是无奇不有,决非笔墨所能形容。 |
| 5. | I may apply his words not less justly to the tributes men pay us with their lips and their pens . 我可以同样恰当地用他的话来说明人们用嘴巴和笔墨对我们表示的尊重。 |
| 6. | The lamentation of the country mourning over the death of the beloved president was beyond description . 为了悼念这位受人爱戴的总统,举国上下悲痛之深实在难以诉诸笔墨。 |
| 7. | It is unnecessary to expatiate on the effect of this downright refusal of the woman's proposals . 这个女人的求婚遭到一口回绝之后发生了什么事情,我们无需多费笔墨来描述。 |
| 8. | There is no need to give a prolonged detail of the animated conversation which ensued during the rest of the banquet . 这种生动的谈话,一直进行到筵席结束,但是我想不必浪费笔墨了。 |
| 9. | His whole countenance was instinct with a look of wise and sardonic humour impossible to describe on paper . 他整个面部表情十分丰富,显得既富于智慧又兼有一种冷嘲热讽的幽默神情,实在难以用笔墨形容。 |