I fall in love with your smiling face , whether can let you henceforth no longer sadly 我沉沦在你的笑靥如花里,怎样才能让你的笑容永远停留,没有悲伤?
I thank living , it is good for me to do it . every particular , every flavor , every tear all drop into laughter 我感谢生活,它值得我感谢.每一个细节,每一种滋味,每一滴泪水掉进笑靥
Finding joy in clean beaches fellow practitioners , young and old alike , enjoy the sunshine on a beach now free of garbage 净滩后,男女老少的同修,身心皆感欢喜,在灿烂的阳光下绽开欢欣的笑靥。
It was truly touching to see the tears of joy in their eyes and the bright smiles on their faces upon receiving master s love 看到他们在收到清海无上师的爱时喜极而泣的眼泪明亮的笑靥,我们真是好感动!
This little sunny - faced girl with the dimpled cheek and rosy lips ; the satin - smooth hazel hair , and the radiant hazel eyes 不就是这个脸带笑靥,嘴唇鲜红,头发栗色光滑如缎,眼睛淡褐光芒四射,满面喜色的小姑娘吗?
Her entrance into the dance world came when she was 11 , as she was accepted to a secondary school affiliated with beijing dancing college 十九岁的她,一坐下来就一脸灿烂的笑靥,还是一个只会用微笑来掩饰自己的单纯女孩。
In this latest work , he now traces the memories of each departed person with elegiac tenderness , fusing the traces of their lives with his own recollections 唯有光影里,生死相见,闲话家常。生者田埂唱起悦耳歌声,与逝者的笑靥在同一空间交流。
I ' d climb the highest mountain , just to see your smile ; i ' d swim the widest ocean , just to hold your hand ; i ' d run a million miles , just to be with you forever 我愿翻越最高的山峰,只为看一眼你的笑靥;我愿横渡最宽的海洋,只为牵一下你的手儿;我愿无止尽地奔跑,只为可以陪你到永远。
They were stiff with their long and jolting drive from whitcross , and chilled with the frosty night air ; but their pleasant countenances expanded to the cheerful firelight 他们被惠特克劳斯到这里的长途颠簸弄得四肢僵硬,被夜间的寒气冻坏了。但是见了令人振奋的火光便绽开了愉快的笑靥。