In the evening when you rowing at the ling lake , you can see lights on the fishing boat 竹排的梢儿,一种婉如仙鹤般婀娜的鸟儿,总是昂首挺胸的站在那儿。
Riding on a raft and reaching its foot , three sections of falls pour down directly like flying dragon turning around and going to the mountain from here 坐上竹排到达它的脚下,三段瀑布倾泻而下,如飞龙转身般从这里走进大山的吗?
Several old persons are going angling on the lakeside , the students at a distance of right hand are rowing the bamboo raft , scene of the mountains and rivers of lijiang river 湖边有几位老者正在垂钓,右手远处学生们划着竹排,一幅漓江山水的情景。
The fishing rafts , the coir raincoats , the cormorants , and the fishing rafts composes a typical picture of the li river , with the fire being the soul of the picture , for the actors performing on the rafts are 220 fishermen from 5 neighboring villages 渔火竹排、蓑衣、鹭鹚、渔火,构图着漓江的经典画面,当它化成满江渔火时,你一定会领略到漓江生活的另一种风情,因为参加表演的是周边5个村庄的220位渔民。