| 1. | Narrate the progress of the project ( such as construction date , finish date , and the project approved situation 项目进展情况描述(开工时间,竣工时间及项目的批准情况等) 。 |
| 2. | If the completion time is actually similar , the short - term advantage of building the lng terminal at soko is greatly diminished 若两者的竣工时间相约,在大鸦洲兴建液化天然气接收站的短期优势随即消失。 |
| 3. | The concentration of air pollutants of decorated offices were significantly higher than the control group in one year after decoration ( p < 0 . 05 ) 随着竣工时间的延长,甲醛、氨、苯的浓度逐渐下降,大约在1年后达到标准。 |
| 4. | The concentration of radon in ornament and control group was lower than the standard and had nothing to do with completed time 影响污染物浓度的主要因素为竣工时间、油漆、涂料、复合地板、化纤地毯、人造板用品、增白剂。 |
| 5. | The third stage of the project is under preparation and it is estimated that the project will be completed at the end of december , 2004 二期工程全面启动,楼盘旺销势头不减。三期工程正在进行开工前准备,预计项目竣工时间为2004年12月底。 |
| 6. | 16 " time for completion " means the time for completing the subcontract works as stated in the appendix ( or as extended under sub - clause 7 . 3 ) , calculated from the commencement date 竣工时间"指附录所述的完成分包工程的时间(或根据副条款7 . 3延期时) ,从开工日期开始计算。 |
| 7. | 15 " time for completion " means the time for completing the execution of and passing the tests on completion of the works or any section or part thereof as stated in the contract calculated from the commencement date 15竣工时间是指合同规定从工程开工日期算起到工程或其任何部分或区段施工结束并且通过竣工检验的时间。 |
| 8. | Of the reasons for not yet implementing the nlh construction project , together with a detailed list of the relevant work performed in the past six years by the government departments concerned , as well as the latest estimated project completion date (一)兴建北大屿山医院工程至今仍未落实的原因,请详细列出各有关的政府部门在过去六年曾进行的相关工作,以及该项工程的最新预计竣工时间; |
| 9. | A contract for survey or design includes terms such as the time limit for submission of the relevant basic information and documents ( including budget estimate ) , the quality requirements , fees , and other conditions of cooperation , etc 第二百七十五条施工合同的内容包括工程范围、建设工期、中间交工工程的开工和竣工时间、工程质量、工程造价、技术资料交付时间、材料和设备供应责任、拨款和结算、竣工验收、质量保修范围和质量保证期、双方相互协作等条款。 |
| 10. | Methods according to the completed time , ornament group ( 150 offices ) was divided into 5 groups ( 2 month group , 2 ~ 4 month group , 5 ~ 8 month group , 9 ~ 11 month group , 12 ~ 18 month group ) end concentiation of air pollutants in these offices was determined . 50 offices after decoration over 60 months were regarded as control group and the concentration of indoor air pollutants was determined 方法根据装修竣工时间,装修组选择2个月以内、 2 ~ 4月、 5 ~ 8月、 9 ~ 11月、 12 ~ 18月的办公室共150间,对照组选择装修5年以上的办公室50间,对空气中甲醛、氨、苯、氧污染物浓度进行测定,并对办公室装修材料进行调查。 |