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English translation for "立体投影"

perspective projection
stereo projection
stereographic projection

Related Translations:
立体地图:  plastic relief maprelief map
阈立体:  threshold corpus
立体镜:  lens stereoscopestereoscopicstereoviewer
立体基准:  stereobase
立体拦阻:  steric hindrance
立体照相机:  binocular stereo camerastereoscope camerastereoscopic camerathree-dimensional camera
立体清晰度:  stereoacuity
立体变异:  stereomutation
立体构型:  spatial configuration
立体镜的:  stereoscopic
Example Sentences:
1.The use of a good contact print is superior to that of an anaglyphic projection .
2.In 3d representations , the stereo projection is the best known
3.Research and realization of 3 - channel - stereo visual simulation system in marine engine simulator
4.A projection algorithm combined with 3 color - fiducial vision - based registration for virtual object registration in augment reality system , based on coordinate transition and 3d projection in 3d space , is described in detail
5.The maximum likelihood registration algorithm based on earth - centered earth - fixed ( ecef ) coordinate system considers the geometry of the global , and eliminates errors introduced by the stereographic projection . the simulation result based on this registration algorithm shows that the satisfied angular biases can be preliminarily obtained . 5
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