Spilling your guts to a total stranger , it ' s not natural 跟个素不相识的人掏心窝子说话这太不自然了
Button head snap 半圆头铆钉窝子
Cone head snap 尖锥铆钉窝子
" bourgeois , " trader s den " - brissenden s epithets repeated themselves in his mind “布尔乔亚” , “市侩窝子”布里森登的用语在他心里一再出现。
The middle and south sea became a part . there was an inscribed tablet hung in xinhuamen , which said " middle and south sea park " 在清末年代,街旁有一些菜园子,还有向居民供水和供饮马的所谓"井窝子" ,大都在靠近皇城的一侧。
When peking was liberated , the name reverted to beijing . since then , the gate has been the official entrance to the headquarters of the people s government 在清末年代,街旁有一些菜园子,还有向居民供水和供饮马的所谓"井窝子" ,大都在靠近皇城的一侧。
The herdsmen s homes " dong wozi " are mostly located by the foot mountains and the sides of lakes . when summer comes , they put their simple packing on horseback , wandering and herding around the boundless prairie , the melodious songs accompanying with their changing footsteps 牧民的“冬窝子”大都选在依山傍水之处,一到夏天,则把简易的行囊驮在牛背上,在茫茫的草原上四处游牧,修筑的牧歌伴随着他们迁徒的足迹。
Lived in the cave or tent , through dragging and transporting piggyback , they constructed reservoir , digged canals , leveled fields , planted forest belt , built houses , constructed roads , established a huge area of fine farms , produced brand new cities one by one 他们住在“地窝子”或帐篷里,硬是靠着人拉肩扛,修建了水库,开挖了水渠,平整了农田,种植了林带,盖起了房屋,修通了公路,建成了大片大片优良的农场,诞生了一个一个崭新的城市。