| 1. | The explanation of turk and north chou defeating north qi 突厥在北周灭北齐中的作用 |
| 2. | A philological study on some ancient turkic words 若干古代突厥词的考释 |
| 3. | On development of historical idea of turkic peoples 论突厥史观的演变 |
| 4. | ( 2 ) the development course of pan - turkism has been traced in the thesis ( 2 )追溯了泛突厥主义发展的历史。 |
| 5. | Turki , mongolian , and manchurian - tungus ethnics belong to altaic group of language 阿尔泰语系分为突厥语族、蒙古语族和满一通古斯语族。 |
| 6. | The qara - khanid dynasty controls that region in 1071 , they are vassals of the seljuqs 哈拉汗国在1071年控制着这个地区,它是塞尔柱突厥的属国。 |
| 7. | Language : khalkha mongol is the official language . turkic , russian and chinese are spoken 语言:喀尔喀蒙古语为官方语言;突厥语、俄语和汉语也使用。 |
| 8. | Christianity documents and inscriptions in the yuan dynasty and the phonetic system in the turkic language in syrian alphabet 元代景教碑铭和文献及叙利亚文突厥语的语音系统 |
| 9. | ( 3 ) the termination of cold war witnesses a quick revival of pan - turkism , which has been dormant for as long as 40 years ( 3 )二战以来潜伏了40多年的泛突厥主义在冷战结束后立即复苏。 |
| 10. | First of all , they share the same nature and history , and they are coordinated in the actual movements 首先,它同国外的泛突厥主义在理论上有同质性,在历史上有同期性,在运动中有呼呼应性。 |