| 1. | There is an association between airquality levels and the incidence of pulmonary disease in the world's cities . 在世界大城市中,空气污染水平和肺病发病次数之间存在着某种关系。 |
| 2. | Advice to public at different levels of air pollution 在不同的空气污染水平下对市民的忠告 |
| 3. | Air pollution level 空气污染水平 |
| 4. | The api reveals five broad levels of air pollution and how they can affect you 空气污染水平分为五级,各级别的空气污染水平会对市民分别带来不同程度的影响。 |
| 5. | The environmental protection department releases hourly information to inform the public about air pollution levels 环境保护署会每小时公布空气污染指数资料,让市民知道最新的空气污染水平。 |
| 6. | The air pollution index compiled by the environmental protection department informs you about the air pollution level in hong kong 空气污染指数环境保护署公布的空气污染指数可告知市民本港的空气污染水平。 |
| 7. | The regional air pollution index is monitoring the results , which can advise you on the general level of pollution in the region 所有监测结果均会以区域空气污染指数显示,用以通知市民整个地区的每日空气污染水平。 |
| 8. | Hong kong and guangdong have agreed on a joint plan of action to reduce air pollution to well below 1997 levels by 2010 粤港两地已经协定推行一套联合行动纲领,致力于2010年或之前使空气污染水平降至低于1997年水平。 |
| 9. | Pollution levels are continuously measured by the environmental protection department s air quality monitoring network , which includes 11 general and 3 roadside monitoring stations 环境保护署空气质素监测网络设有十一个一般监测站及三个路边监测站,不断量度本港的空气污染水平。 |
| 10. | The api transforms the air quality data measured at monitoring stations into a single number ranging from 0 to 500 . higher values indicate higher levels of pollution 空气污染指数是从各个监测站录得的空气质素数据计算出来的一个由0至500的数值,指数越高,即表示空气污染水平越高。 |