| 1. | Nor is air travel doing much good to the environment 空中旅行也对环境裨益不大。 |
| 2. | Airplanes enable people to travel through the air 飞机使人们能够在空中旅行。 |
| 3. | Two hundred years ago people could not travel by air 二百年前人们无法在空中旅行。 |
| 4. | Travel by air is now much more frequent than before 空中旅行已较以前普遍。 |
| 5. | Concorde inaugurateda new era in aeroplane travel 协和式飞机开创了空中旅行的新纪元 |
| 6. | Flying is still considered the safest way to travel 空中旅行仍然被看作是最安全的旅行方式! |
| 7. | There is still much to learn about dvts and air travel 深静脉血栓症和空中旅行,还有待深入研究。 |
| 8. | What ( aside from frequent - flyer miles ) will be gained 除了频繁地长途空中旅行,对话还有其他意义么? |
| 9. | The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller 本世纪空中旅行的革新使世界似乎变小了。 |
| 10. | An airplane flight is one of the last places in life away from the tentacles of e - mail 电子邮件现在几乎是无所不至,但空中旅行是少数的例外之一。 |