| 1. | End - point was survival at 3 and 12 months before transplantation 研究点为移植前3和12个月的存活率。 |
| 2. | He says he now needs fewer insulin injections than he did before the transplant 他说,现在他需要注射的胰岛素量比接受移植前少得多。 |
| 3. | Effect of pre - activating bovine recipient oocytes before nuclear transfer on morphology change of donor nuclei 核移植前激活牛受体卵子对供体核形态变化的影响 |
| 4. | Randomization was performed before lt . in all patients , tacrolimus was used without induction therapy 肝移植前就进行了随机抽样。对所有的病人使用免疫抑制药他克莫司,不进行诱导试验。 |
| 5. | However , concern has arisen regarding the potential for vascular complications due to high - dose neoadjuvant therapy before transplantation 但是,人们担心移植前的高剂量新辅助治疗有可能引发血管并发症。 |
| 6. | Islet cell transplantation now forms the basis of a prospective multicenter trial under the aegis of the immune tolerance network 在免疫耐受网络系统的支持下,现在已经开展胰岛移植前瞻性多中心试验研究。 |
| 7. | The surgeons would not be sure until they opened up andrews that his liver was healthy enough to be transplanted 在外科医师打开安德鲁斯的体腔确定其肝脏健康可进行移植前,大家对这次手术的成功性都难以把握。 |
| 8. | “ since the hair follicles that are transplanted to the balding areas are genetically resistant to going bald , they will continue to grow for a life time , just as if they had been left in the bald resistant donor area 意译:因为移植的毛囊从基因上能抗脱,所以他们移植后将会像他们在移植前一样正常生长,终身不掉。 |
| 9. | To investigate , the researchers initially studied 286 patients who were randomized to be tested pre - transplant and 6 and 12 months , and another 124 were tested at 6 and 12 months 为深入研究这个现象,研究人员最初随机选择了286位病人,对他们在移植前,移植后6个月和12个月进行了测试,对另外124个病人在移植之后6个月、 12个月进行了测试。 |
| 10. | Cirrhosis resulting from alcohol ( 2 ) , autoimmune hepatitis ( 2 ) , and hepatitis b ( 1 ) , or cryptogenic cirrhosis ( 3 ) was the presumed diagnoses pre - lt . seven patients presented with bleeding varices and 5 had concomitant ascites 由酒精( 2 ) ,自身免疫性肝炎( 2 ) ,乙肝病毒( 1 ) ,或不明原因引起的肝硬化是移植前假定的诊断类型。 7名患者伴有静脉曲张, 5名伴有腹水。 |