[ yíshāntiánhǎi ] remove mountains and fill (up) seas
Example Sentences:
With strong will , men can move mountain and fill seas . ? and have 译文:凭借坚强的意志,人类能够移山填海。而事实上人类已经做到。
And lethal legacies of the past , including mouldering deadly world war ii shells , are a half century later still being unearthed in hong kong s endless reshaping of the environment 而历史遗留下来的危险品,包括第二次世界大战残留下来的致命炮弹,在半个世纪后的今天,仍常常在移山填海的工程中被发掘出来。
In terms of establishing a land bank , some have suggested measures such as resumption , hill leveling and reclamation ; others have suggested simply to provide incentives to the private sector to create land 有关设立土地储备的方法,有市民建议徵收土地及移山填海;其他市民则建议鼓励私营机构开拓土地,或宽减税项以吸引外商投资。