| 1. | The time required for the shock to travel to its final position is known as the lag time . 冲波移动到最后位置所需的时间称为滞后时间。 |
| 2. | When we move to a new position, our brain immediately recalculates the width and the depth . 当我们移动到一个新的位置时,我们可以立即重新算出它的宽度和深度。 |
| 3. | Depending on prevailing conditions, these bars may move up the upper part of the shoreline and beach . 由于基本条件的变化,这些沙洲可以向上移动到滨线或海滩上部。 |
| 4. | Not less acutely than edmund was it felt by fanny, who had edged back her chair behind her aunt's end of the sofa . 范妮的不安不亚于埃德蒙。她稍稍地把自己的椅子移动到了姨妈的沙发后面。 |
| 5. | You cannot move toolbar commands into the menus 不能将工具栏命令移动到菜单中。 |
| 6. | Is successful moving to the child node ; otherwise , 成功地移动到此子节点,则返回 |
| 7. | Is successful moving to the same position as the specified 成功地移动到与指定的 |
| 8. | To the root node that the current node belongs to 移动到当前节点所属的根节点。 |
| 9. | To the first sibling node of the current node 移动到当前节点的第一个同级节点。 |
| 10. | The namespace uri of the child node to move to 要移动到的子节点的命名空间uri 。 |