| 1. | The accumulated evils in the roman tax system and diocletian ' s tax reform 罗马税制的积弊与戴克里先税制改革 |
| 2. | " put education on the very important strategy position and give priority to the development of it . “要把教育摆在优先发展的重要战略位置” 。中国教育积弊太久,欠帐太多。 |
| 3. | Now that it looks increasingly as though he will become prime minister next year , he has realised that he must start clearing it up 现在局势已越来越明朗化地表明他将要成为下一任英国首相,他意识到该是清理积弊的时候了。 |
| 4. | The aim of setting up the institution was not only to remove the interior shortcomings , but to abolish the extraterritoriality thoroughly 其设立宗旨并非单为清除内部积弊,废除领事裁判权似乎才是制度设计者的最高追求。 |
| 5. | Fdhs conditions of employment and stay in hong kong are clearly specified in the two - year standard employment contract , and kept under regular review to guard against abuses 外佣的雇佣及逗留条件均清楚载列于为期两年的标准雇佣合约内,而政府亦会定期检讨有关条件,以防出现积弊。 |
| 6. | From the republicans ' viewpoint a spell in opposition could be useful : it would give them a chance to cleanse their augean stables , temper their fealty to the religious right and get rid of the nonsense of biggovernment conservatism 从共和党的观点来看,来自反对者的咒骂可以转化为有利面,给他们一个清理积弊的机会,检验他们对宗教权利的忠诚度,摆脱大政府保守主义的影响。 |
| 7. | In our traditional juristical culture , the drawback that the substantive law has been attached more importance to than legal procedure has been all through the ages , and the design and application of the legal procedure has been received little attention 在我国传统的法律文化中,历来有重实体而轻程序的积弊,程序设计和运用受到了不应有的冷落。随着依法治国方略的提出,我国法学理论界和实务界越来越关注程序的价值。 |
| 8. | This study thoroughly analyzes the farmers " over - burden and the reason of gradual cryptic and complicated at all points , such as macroinstitution system background , the disadvantage of traditional distribution system , the externality of farmers " burden , the cost of farmers " cooperation and objection , the substitutive mechanism of agricultural tax and the collection cost of burden above tax 本研究从宏观制度背景、传统分配体制积弊、农民负担的外部性、农民合作及反对成本、农业税收替代机制、税外负担的征收成本等方面对农民负担过重并日渐隐性化、复杂化的原因进行了深入剖析。 |
| 9. | For the sake of the real implementation of the adversarial trial and the achievement of justice in a lawsuit , it ' s very necessary to probe into the mechanism in appearing in court as a witness and analyze the age - old malpractice of it and find out how to get rid of the perplexity in appearing in cour t as a witness 为使我国逐步引入的对抗式诉讼模式真正得以贯彻实施,实现诉讼公正,非常有必要探讨证人出庭作证的机理,剖析目前证人出庭作证制度的积弊,探索如何摆脱证人不出庭作证的困惑。 |
| 10. | After two years of test running the multi project management paradigm factory wide , significant performance improvement is observed across multiple projects with aggregated investment capital amounting to over 300 million yuan . the project mission is accomplished successfully , which is in sharp contrast to the past failures in different aspects including project deadline completion , budget , and other performance measures 该厂通过这种多项目管理模式的两年多的试行,已在投资总额超过3亿元的多个技改项目和其他项目管理中收到了成效,在工期、资金、效果等方面一扫过去的积弊,较好地完成了企业技改任务总目标。 |