Effect of different transplanting seedling ages on grain yield in system of rice intensification 水稻强化栽培体系不同秧龄移栽对产量的影响
Rice yields decrease with the increase in the maturity of seedl ings and the delay of the transplanting time 试验资料分析表明,水稻产量随播种期的推迟和秧龄的增长而明显减产。
Preliminary study on the accumulation characters of nutrient and dry matter of dryland - raised long - age seedlings associated with scattered - planting in rice 旱育长秧龄抛栽水稻的养分及干物质积累特性初步研究
To investigate yields response to the maturity and transplant ing time of rice seedling , experiments were carried out at the pi - shi - hang irrigation e xper imental station 为研究水稻播种期及秧龄对产量的影响,在淠史杭灌区灌溉试验总站进行了试验。