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English translation for "秦始皇"

qin shi huang; first emperor of qin (259-210 b.c.)

Related Translations:
秦始皇陵:  mausoleum of the first qin emperorthe emperor qin shihuang's tomb
imax秦始皇:  the first emperor of china
秦始皇兵马俑:  life-size terracotta horses and armoured warriors excavated from sites near the tomb of qin shi huang; qin shi huang's buried sculpture legion
秦始皇帝:  qin shi huangqin shihuangdi
秦始皇陵兵马俑:  life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in chin tomblife-sizeterra-cottasoldiersandhorsesinchintombterracotta army
秦始皇兵马俑博物馆:  the emperor qin's terra cotta museum
陕西秦始皇陵兵马俑:  terra cotta warriors
陕西秦始皇陵及兵马俑:  mausoleum of the first qin emperor
秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑:  mausoleum of the first qin emperor
Example Sentences:
1.The first emperor of qin unified china in 221 b.c .
2.The emperor had these clay figures made instead of burying slave-workers alive as immolation .
3.Over two thousand years before, at the time of the tyrant emperor chin shih hwang, who first unified china, built the great wall, repudiated confucius, and burned the books .
4.Qin shi huang did not burn books of science and technology
5.The king of chin made them for use in the afterlife . .
秦始皇制造它们,用于他死后- -
6.Reasons and motives of qin shihuang ' s inspection tour to east
7.China ' s first emperor qin shihuang died in 209 bc
8.2 it was qin shi huang who had all the walls joined up
9.Emperor qinshihuang ' s cruelty excited a rising of the people
10.Emperor qin shihuang ' s complex of orient
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