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English translation for "秤杆虽小提千斤"

a steelyard is small but it carries a weight of a thousand catties

Related Translations:
秤杆:  arm [beam] of a steelyard; balance arm; scale beam; weigh lever; weighing lever; weigh-beam 短语和例子秤杆虽小提千斤。 a steelyard is small but it carries a weight of a thousand catties
秤杆草:  japanese eupatorium herb or root
秤杆升麻:  lindley eupatorium root
:  连词[书面语]1.(虽然) though; although 短语和例子安排虽不算理想, 但也相当满意。 the arrangements, if not ideal, are fairly satisfactory. 他虽年老而依然健壮。 he is none the less vigorous for his years. 他虽穷, 但对贫苦的朋友很慷慨。 althou
脚重千斤:  one's feet weigh tons
地位虽不同:  a cat may look at a king
朋友虽好:  the best friends must part
某虽不才:  i, though a worthless person, ...; i, although without talent, (am willing to ...); a worthless person as i am..
差虽区段:  differential segment
虽无翅膀:  i'm flying without wings and that's the joy you bringyou're flying without wings
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